Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "antena 3"
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Barbara, who sells international literary rights, settles down in Paris, where she has taken refuge after living through an experience that has upset her a great deal. She moves in with her grandmother Margaux, with whom she has a very special bond. One morning in 2008, the year of the big snowfall, Barbara finds an unknown young man sleeping on her red sofa. The enigmatic photographer who never takes photographs of people will help her in an... - Read more

"When he left his home, the time traveler was unaware of his condition; it was still a few hours away before he realize that impossible certainty." Imagine if you could jump back in time and go at to some point in which you have made some sort of decision in your life. Would you try to win back a lost love? Would you use your power to become rich? Would you try to improve the world?   Victor Piñol, a lonely guy marked by an... - Read more

Marta Robles makes her debut in the noir novel genre with a bang, with an ambitious and involving work, with two classical pillars, the disillusioned detective and the femme fatale, about those who revolve around a very turbulent plot that develops in multiple scenarios. The woman is Misia Rodríguez de Rothman, the beautiful and sensible wife of a world communication magnate, who becomes fascinated by Artigas, the most successful writer... - Read more

After his heroic performance in the Battle of Ganimedes, Alex was hoping to be received like a hero and finally get the respect and admiration of all the officers. But the mysterious event that allows him and his friends to gain access to The Arrow and pilot it was witnessed  by  Captain Churé,  who  decides to expel him from MOTHER without a second thought. Alex is abandoned in the middle of an unpopulated place on... - Read more

Ever since she inherited her powers, Amanda has not had a moment’s rest: training, homework, missions ... But everything is about to change, because for the first time she has decided to take the day off to attend the high school dance. She will buy herself a nice dress, ask Jason to accompany her and everything will be wonderful. Every teenager’s dream! However, things are never the way one wants them to be. On the morning of the... - Read more

It shows from 1 to 5 of 67 results
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